
Saturday 22 September 2018

Under the sea

This week one of the writing jobs the Meerkats and Zebras had to do was to improve a sentence Miss Cruz wrote. She showed us this picture of a man snorkelling and the boring sentence she had wrote: 'The man is swimming'. Our challenge was to create a new sentence to describe the picture that was more interesting and detailed. Here are the new and improved sentences!

The zebra fish is in the warm and cold water.

The zebra fish swim in the deep water.

The dad is in the warm water and the zebra fish are nice.

Zach is swimming and he saw a spinosaurus!

The man is swimming in the water. The man saw a stripy fish!

The zebra fish is in the warm water. They are black and white and yellow.

The man is diving in the ocean.

The man is swimming in the deepest water.

The person is in the hot water and he is looking for the rainbow fish.

The man is swimming in the water. The man saw a zebra fish!

Thursday 20 September 2018

Wriggly Worms!

On Tuesday the Hexagons and Rectangles were learning more about measurement. We practised making long and short worms, thin and fat worms and wriggly wiggly worms. We were very proud of our creations! 

Volcano Eruption!

Penguins, Camels, Rhinos, Elephants, Crocodiles and Flamingos shared writing.

Firstly we put a cup in the sandpit. After that we pushed the sand around the cup. Next we put the water and food colouring in the cup. Then we put 2 spoonfuls of baking powder inside the cup. Next we put the dishwashing liquid inside the cup. Lastly we put the vinegar into the cup and the volcano exploded. 

The lava was pink and red. It slipped down the sand to the base of the volcano! 

Monday 17 September 2018

Monday Maths

Today we started our week of learning about length and measurement for maths. The Hexagons and Rectangles practised making themselves tall, short, narrow, wide, close and far. Can you guess which photo is which?

Tuesday 11 September 2018

R is for Rocket!

R is for Rocket!

Every week we have 2 letters that we focus on and do lots of learning about. 
Last week, our letters of the week were Qq and Rr. 
We decided that we were going to make a rocket blast into the air with Miss Cruz's help!

To make the rocket we needed:
- Mentos
- Coca Cola
- Masking tape

Once we did this experiment we decided to draw pictures and write about rockets. 

Watch our video below, we think it is pretty cool!

Thursday 6 September 2018

Reading visitors

This week, we were lucky enough to have a few students from Toroa come to Ruru and read to us. Before they read, they talked about what they had been learning and what good readers do. We really enjoyed listening to their stories and thought they did a very good job.

This is Tizzy and Tom with the crocodiles and penguins reading groups.

My Dinosaur Writing

Hi my name is Yin. I like to draw dinosaurs. Today I got to show my writing to Mrs Walkinshaw. It made me feel happy!

Sunday 2 September 2018

Blogger Buddies!

This term, along with Toroa we are trialling 'Blogger Buddies'. This is where an older student comes and visits us in our learning space to see what we are getting up to on a particular day! We hope that you enjoy a different perspective to our learning!

Hi, my name is Andrew.
I am one of the Blogger Buddies for Ruru.
I visited Ruru last week and took some photos of their learning.
They looked like they were having lots of fun.
My focus this week was to get to know the teachers and kids in Ruru so that next time they are comfortable sharing their learning and goals with me.

Here are some of the photos that I took!



I had lots of fun visiting Ruru and I can't wait to go back again.